Acupuncture for Weight Loss in San Francisco
Acupuncture is a needle-based alternative therapy that is used to treat a number of health issues, including arthritis, migraines, depression, chronic pain, indigestion, anxiety and insomnia. It is also sometimes used for weight loss. Acupuncture has been practiced for hundreds of years in traditional Chinese medicine and is believed to stimulate the flow of “chi”, or vital energy, in the body. This in turn helps improve a range of factors that are known to contribute to obesity.
Although scientists are not completely sure about what the mechanism might be, it is thought that when you undergo acupuncture, it may help in suppressing appetite, boosting metabolism, as well as reducing stress. However, there are yet to be scientific studies to test these theories extensively.
How Can Acupuncture Help with Weight Loss?
“Acupuncture is not magic” – is what people who practice acupuncture say. A good San Francisco acupuncturist will tell you that it won’t melt the fat off and make you slim in a few days or even weeks. However, research shows that acupuncture can have an effect on the part of the brain that is responsible for making you feel hunger. It does not only reduce hunger, but also helps in activating the feel-good neurotransmitters in your brain. This helps reduce stress and anxiety, which in turn can help you shed those extra kilos. The process of acupuncture differs from one person to the next, but the points mainly related to hunger are next to the ears, so this is where acupuncturists are likely to focus for people who are looking to lose weight with the help of this traditional Chinese medicinal practice.
As mentioned earlier, acupuncture is not a magical weight loss treatment. If you think that one session is enough to show visible results, you will be disappointed. Similar to how you do not see immediate results after starting a new diet or going to the gym, acupuncture does not show results until a certain number of sessions – which varies from person to person. If you want to see results, you must do more than rely on the acupuncture sessions alone. It is important to have the correct mindset and a level of control over your eating habits. Eating healthy and living an active, healthy lifestyle combined with acupuncture is the best way to get the weight loss results you desire.
With a reputed San Francisco acupuncturist like Anchor Acupuncture & Wellness, you can shed the extra pounds you want to get rid of and lose weight in a healthy way. Acupuncture is not only a great way to lose weight – it is a way to treat the issues that are causing weight gain, such as stress, anxiety, etc. Contact us today to schedule your appointment at 415-855-3112.
About Post Author
Amanda Moler
Amanda Moler is a licensed acupuncturist and certified fertility acupuncturist (FABORM), serving San Francisco, CA. Her educational background includes receiving a bachelor’s degree in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution from Antioch College in 2001 and in 2010, her master’s degree from American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 2008, she also attended Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in Chicago, IL for education on acupuncture and oriental medicine. Asa Fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine, she has gained recognition for treating complex women fertility cases, providing guidance on painful side-effects of drugs, hormones, and maintaining the overall well-being of women. Follow Anchor Acupuncture and Amanda Moler on Facebook , Instagram, LinkedIn.