Some Interesting Facts About Acupuncture
Acupuncture is growing in popularity with every passing year. A study reported that around 10 million acupuncture treatments are administered in the U.S. alone every year. Its rise in popularity can be attributed to its effectiveness in the treatment of chronic pain.
Various studies show that the ancient Chinese practice works particularly well on knee pain, neck pain, and back pain. It is an effective treatment for many health problems, including hypertension, hypotension, sciatica, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Though acupuncture’s popularity is continually increasing, and many people turn to it to manage their health condition, some common acupuncture myths are still doing the rounds.
To raise public awareness about acupuncture, we have compiled some facts about the ancient Chinese practice.
Acupuncture Does Not Hurt
When most people think about needles, they imagine hypodermic needles that hurt. Because acupuncture involves the insertion of needles through the patient’s skin at strategic points in their body, many people think acupuncture causes discomfort and pain.
Acupuncturists use paper thin needles and are trained to insert the needles through the skin in a painless manner. Most people feel a slight pinch when the needles first enter their skin. Once the needles are in position, patients report feeling relaxed.
There Are More Than 300 Acupuncture Points in the Body
There are 300 plus acupuncture points located from head to toe. The acupuncture meridian system connects these points. Every point is associated with a bodily function and can affect physical and emotional wellness.
WHO and National Institute of Health Supports Acupuncture
Very few people know that the WHO backs acupuncture. In 1979, the WHO conducted a symposium on acupuncture. During the symposium, they published a list of 43 diseases and conditions that benefit from acupuncture.
In 1997, the National Institute of Health published a study on the ancient Chinese practice’s effectiveness in treating symptoms associated with surgery and chemotherapy.
Acupuncture Is Highly Individualized
An experienced acupuncturist never takes a one-size-fits-all approach. They avoid jumping to conclusions. Your acupuncturist may conduct various tests and examine the tongue coating and take the pulse to make a diagnosis. Once the professional gets to the root of the problem, they will plan a course of action.
Want to try acupuncture for pain and live in San Francisco? Look no further than Anchor Acupuncture & Wellness. We use acupuncture to balance the overall energy in the body, which promotes physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. To book a session, call 415-855-3112.
About Post Author
Amanda Moler
Amanda Moler is a licensed acupuncturist and certified fertility acupuncturist (FABORM), serving San Francisco, CA. Her educational background includes receiving a bachelor’s degree in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution from Antioch College in 2001 and in 2010, her master’s degree from American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 2008, she also attended Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in Chicago, IL for education on acupuncture and oriental medicine. Asa Fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine, she has gained recognition for treating complex women fertility cases, providing guidance on painful side-effects of drugs, hormones, and maintaining the overall well-being of women. Follow Anchor Acupuncture and Amanda Moler on Facebook , Instagram, LinkedIn.